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Daily Schedule

Welcome to Mrs. Sauer's Class of Sensational Second Graders



Week of September 9-12 

Spelling: This Week’s Words are: Words with short o  (Test is Thursday)

New: on, odd, lot, spot, stop, rock, socks, box, fox, off*  Review: yes, meet, not  Challenge: rocket, spotted

Math: Mon.- Fact Practice Only    Tues.- Fact Practice Only  Wed.- Fact Practice Only    Thurs.-  None


  • HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: Please check your child's Homework Calendar for their current assignments
  • HOMEWORK READING: Your child must read each day for 20 minutes, to improve their reading and comprehension skills. 
  • HOMEWORK MATH: Most nights your child will have a fact practice unless it is a review or test day.
  • HOMEWORK SPELLING: Study all 15 words (Test on Thursday)

Diana Sauer

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